In today’s Internet world torrent is very popular.Downloading torrent is a concept based on peer to peer communication.So in this type of communication when one user download a torrent file then by seeding it he/she can increase it’s health.Based on the health when we download torrent file we’ll get download speed in torrent client.
But what happen when user which is downloading file is not seeding that file at that time health is not much better of that file so at that time we’ll get less speed in torrent client.
So here is the solution of downloading torrent file fast in IDM(Internet Download Manager) without regarding health of that file.
You can download torrent file in IDM using ZBIGZ . Below is the tutorial how to use zbigz to download torrent in idm.
First of all Download your torrent file which has .torrent extension.
For example I want to download movie named “Atlantic rim” then I search it in torrent site like or, etc and download torrent file which has .torrent extension.
Now goto ZBIGZ and upload your torrent file.
It’s look like this

Now click on “Go” button and select your account type “free” or “premium”.Now it will start downloading automatically.

Enjoy your download.
If any case zbigz is not working at that time you can use these alternative sites “ Alternative sites to zbigz “.